Package dyeing machines are the most widely used now a days for dyeing of almost all type of yarns ,due to economical ,automatic and accurate dyeing results. The term package dyeing usually denotes for dyeing of any type yarn wound on the compressible dye springs/perforated solid dyeing tubes or cones. Yarn dyeing in package form is done at high temperature and under high pressure ,with the packages mounted on hollow spindles .These spindles are fixed on the dyeing carriers ,which is inserted into the dyeing vessel after closing the lid of the machine ,the dyeing liquor is forced through the packages in two way pattern (inside to out and outside to in) and goes on circulating throughout the vessel and yarn. Heat is applied to the dye liquor to achieve the dyeing temperature, time –temperature and flow reversal are controlled through a programmer.
Package Dyeing machine
Package Dyeing machines are amenable to accurate control and automation. These features would likely to lead to increases in the application of package dyeing. The term package dyeing usually denotes for dyeing of yarn that has been wound on perforated cores. This helps in forcing the dye liquor through the package. With the start of dyeing cycle, the dye liquor goes on circulating throughout the vessel and tank. This happens till all the dye is used up or fully exhausted. The dye flows through to the yarn package with the help of the deliberate perforations in the tube package. Once full exhaustion is brought about, the carrier of coloured yarn is consequently removed from the vessel. A large centrifuge removes excess water from the packages. Finally the yarn is dried using an infra red drying oven.
The material to be dyed is wound on the dye springs, perforated plastic cheeses or steel cones and loaded in the carrier spindles. The liquor containing dyes chemical and auxilliaries is forced through the material from inside –out and is reversed periodically. The dyeing cycle is controlled through a micro computer and different chemicals may be added through the injector pump at any stage of dyeing.
In case of fully flooded machines ,the liquor expands with the rise in temperature is taken back in the expansion tank through a back cooler. This extra water is then again injected to the dyeing vessel through an injector pump. Expanded volume of the dye liquor is thus remains in continuous circulation in the system.
In case of air pad machines ,the air above the liquor acts as a cushion ,which is compressed with the increase in liquor volume, the pressure is controlled by pre set pressure control valve.
- Vertical Kier Dyeing Machines
- Horizontal Kier Dyeing Machines
- Tubular Dyeing Machines
1.Vertical Kier Dyeing Machines: These machines have a vertical cylindrical dyeing kier, in which material loaded into carriers with vertical perforated spindles, is dyed .The machine could be fully flooded or air pad type .
2.Horizontal Kier Dyeing Machines: These machines are similar to vertical type machines in which the cylindrical dyeing kier is in horizontal position.
3.Tubular Kier Dyeing Machines: These machines may be of vertical or horizontal type and have one or many tubes acting as small dyeing vessels, each with a single individual spindle.
Since in this machine all individual tubes in a machine are connected and serviced by a main pump, therefore it is also possible to operate as many tube as required and disconnecting others.
Since in this machine all individual tubes in a machine are connected and serviced by a main pump, therefore it is also possible to operate as many tube as required and disconnecting others.
- Considerable reduction in yarn handling.
- Compatible to automatic control, in the process leading to reproducible dyeing’s.
- Open to large batches.
- High temperature dyeing a possibility.
- Low liquor ratios, giving savings in water, effluent and energy.
- Uniform and High rates of liquor circulation, that leads to level application of dyes. Machinery totally enclosed resulting in good working conditions at the dye-house.
So it plays an important role in textile industry.