Saturday, September 28, 2019

What is Ginning???


The freshly picked cotton has seeds in it, this cotton is called seed cotton. The treading is done in this condition also, but normally the treading is done after separation of the fibres from their seed. So, the process, involves to separate the cotton fibres from seeds is called ginning.

Objects of ginning:
·                     To separate fibres fully from its seeds.
·                     To collect seeds and waste together.
·                     To collect fibre without any faults.
·                     To separate whole fibre.

Types of ginning:
1.                   Saw ginning
2.                   Roller ginning
3.                   Macarthy ginning

Lint & linters:
Lint: The fibres, which are primarily obtained after separating cotton fibre from seeds, are called lint. It is long fibre, which is used for textile application. e.g. yarn, fabric etc.
Linters: After separating lint, there are some short fibers called linters. The short fibers(linters) are found after second ginning. It is used as the source of pure cellulose for industry and for stuffing upholstery and it is used for acetate and rayon.

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