Saturday, September 28, 2019


Package dyeing machines are the most widely used now a days for dyeing of almost all type of yarns ,due to economical ,automatic and accurate dyeing results. The term package dyeing usually denotes for dyeing of any type yarn wound on the compressible dye springs/perforated solid dyeing tubes or cones. Yarn dyeing in package form is done at high temperature and under high pressure ,with the packages mounted on hollow spindles .These spindles are fixed on the dyeing carriers ,which is inserted into the dyeing vessel after closing the lid of the machine ,the dyeing liquor is forced through the packages in two way pattern (inside to out and outside to in) and goes on circulating throughout the vessel and yarn. Heat is applied to the dye liquor to achieve the dyeing temperature, time –temperature and flow reversal are controlled through a programmer. 

Package Dyeing machine
Package Dyeing machines are amenable to accurate control and automation. These features would likely to lead to increases in the application of package dyeing. The term package dyeing usually denotes for dyeing of yarn that has been wound on perforated cores. This helps in forcing the dye liquor through the package. With the start of dyeing cycle, the dye liquor goes on circulating throughout the vessel and tank. This happens till all the dye is used up or fully exhausted. The dye flows through to the yarn package with the help of the deliberate perforations in the tube package. Once full exhaustion is brought about, the carrier of coloured yarn is consequently removed from the vessel. A large centrifuge removes excess water from the packages. Finally the yarn is dried using an infra red drying oven.
The material to be dyed is wound on the dye springs, perforated plastic cheeses or steel cones and loaded in the carrier spindles. The liquor containing dyes chemical and auxilliaries is forced through the material from inside –out and is reversed periodically. The dyeing cycle is controlled through a micro computer and different chemicals may be added through the injector pump  at any stage of dyeing.
In case of fully flooded machines ,the liquor expands with the rise in temperature  is taken back in the expansion tank through a back cooler. This extra water is then again injected to the dyeing vessel through an injector pump. Expanded volume of the dye liquor is thus remains in continuous circulation in the system.

In case of air pad machines ,the air above the liquor acts as a cushion ,which is compressed with the increase in liquor volume, the pressure is controlled by pre set pressure control valve.


  1. Vertical Kier Dyeing Machines
  2. Horizontal Kier Dyeing Machines
  3. Tubular Dyeing Machines
1.Vertical Kier Dyeing Machines: These machines have a vertical cylindrical dyeing kier, in which material loaded into carriers with vertical perforated spindles, is dyed .The machine could be fully flooded or air pad type .

2.Horizontal Kier Dyeing Machines: These machines are similar to vertical type machines in which the cylindrical dyeing kier is in horizontal position.
3.Tubular Kier Dyeing Machines: These machines may be of vertical or horizontal type and have one or many tubes acting as small dyeing vessels, each with a single individual spindle.
Since in this machine  all individual tubes in a machine are connected and serviced by a main pump, therefore it is also possible to operate as many tube as required and disconnecting others.

  • Considerable reduction in yarn handling.
  • Compatible to automatic control, in the process leading to reproducible dyeing’s.
  • Open to large batches.
  • High temperature dyeing a possibility.
  • Low liquor ratios, giving savings in water, effluent and energy.
  • Uniform and High rates of liquor circulation, that leads to level application of dyes. Machinery totally enclosed resulting in good working conditions at the dye-house.

So it plays an important role in textile industry.

Determination the yarn count of a given cotton sample.

Experiment  Name: Determination the yarn count of a given cotton sample.
<![     1.0Intriduction:
Yarn is a long continuous length of interlocked fibers, suitable for use in the production of textilessewingcrochetingknittingweavingembroidery, and rope making. Thread is a type of yarn intended for sewing by hand or machine. Modern manufactured sewing threads may be finished with wax or other lubricants to withstand the stresses involved in sewing. Embroidery threads are yarns specifically designed for hand or machine embroidery.[1]
Yarn Count: Count is a numerical value, which express the coarseness or fineness (diameter) of the yarn and also indicate the relationship between length and weight (the mass per unit length or the length per unit mass) of that yarn. Therefore, the concept of yarn count has been introduced which specifies a certain ratio of length to weight. [3]

The fineness of the yarn is usually expressed in terms of its linear density or count. There are a number of systems and units for expressing yarn fineness. But they are classified as follows. 

Types of Yarn Count:

  • Direct Count System 
  • Indirect Count System

Direct Count System: The weight of a fixed length of yarn is determined. The weight per unit length is the yarn count. The common features of aII direct count systems are the length of yarn is fixed and the weight of yarn varies according to its fineness.

The following formula is used to calculate the yarn count:

N= (W×l) / L 

N =Yarn count or numbering system
W =Weight of the sample at the official regain in the unit of the system
L=Length of the sample
l=Unit of length of the sample

Indirect Count System: The length of a fixed weight of yarn is measured. The length per unit weight is the yarn count. The common features of all indirect count systems are the weight of yarn is fixed and the Length of yarn varies according to its fineness. [3]

  The following formula is used to calculate they are count: 
N = (L×w) / W×l 
N =Yarn count or numbering system
W =Weight of the sample at the official regain in the unit of the system
L=Length of the sample
l=Unit of length of the sample
w = Unit of weight of the sample. 

2.0   Objectives:
   2.1 To know about yarn count.
2.2 To know about wrap reel & analytical balance.
2.3 To know how to determine the count by wrap reel & analytical balance.

3.0 Apparatus:
        3.1 Wrap reel
        3.2 Analytical balance
        3.3 Sample yarn

4.0 Description:
wrap reel or skein winder is a device for measuring yarn and making it into hanks of a standard size.. The reel is of a standard size and its revolutions are counted as the yarn is wrapped around it. Typically, a set number of revolutions will be used so that the hank is of a standard size — a skein or lea. For example, a skein of cotton would be 80 turns on a reel of 54 inches circumference, making 120 yards, while the standard length for wool worsted would be 80 yards. [2]

An analytical balance (often called a "lab balance") is a class of balance designed to measure small mass in the sub-milligram range. The measuring pan of an analytical balance (0.1 mg or better) is inside a transparent enclosure with doors so that dust does not collect and so any air currents in the room do not affect the balance's operation. This enclosure is often called a draft shield. The use of a mechanically vented balance safety enclosure, which has uniquely designed acrylic airfoils, allows a smooth turbulence-free airflow that prevents balance fluctuation and the measure of mass down to 1 μg without fluctuations or loss of product. [4]

5.0 Working procedure:
    • Make lea by Wrap reel.
    • Weight the lee by analytic balance.
    • Convert the weight gram to pound.
    • Now the data are put equation (1)
    • Now calculate the count by the equation.
    • Now average count are calculating which is cotton count of this sample.

6.0Experimental Data:

Exp. No
Length (yds)
Weight (gm)
Weight (lbs)


       Length in yard × Weight Unit
Count = ..........................................................
                   840 Yard × Weight in pound 

=          ......................

=          39.64

8.0 Result:
The cotton count is 39.64

It's very important to determine the count of a yarn. We have to know and ensure the count of a yarn to produce garments which contains required quality. First of all, yarn attached with wrap reel and wrap the yarn for 80 times which means 120 yards of yarn is collected and measure the weight of yarn. Calculation was completed by using this weight and length. Now we have the exact count of yarn.

measuring Cotton Count using Wrap Reel

1. Introduction
It is defined as one of the delicate, hair portions of the tissues of a plant or animal or other substances that are very small in diameter in relation to their length. A fiber is a material which is several hundred times as long as it's thick.
Textile fiber has some characteristics which differ between fibers to Textile fiber. Textile fiber can be spun into a yarn or made into a fabric by various methods including weaving, knitting and braiding, felting, and twisting. The essential requirements for fibers to be spun into yarn include a length of at least 5 millimeters, flexibility, cohesiveness, and sufficient strength. Other important properties include elasticity, fineness, uniformity, durability, and luster.                
Yarn is a generatic term of continuous stand of textile fiber which is suitable for making fabric. Yarns play a vital role in the fabric manufacturing process. Yarn is a product of substantial length and relatively small cross-section consisting of fibers or filaments with or without twist. It is the long fine structures capable of being assembled or interlaced into such textile products as woven and knitted fabrics, braids, ropes, and cords.                                                                 
Count is the numerical expression which expresses coarseness or fineness of yarn. It means that, the yarn count refers how much a yarn is fine or course. We also can say that the yarn count number indicates the length of yarn in relation to the weight.

                           Length in yard × Weight Unit 
Cotton Count = ...................................................... 
                           840 Yard × Weight in pound 
But according to the Textile Institute, they define yarn count as "Count, a number indicating the mass per unit length or length per unit mass of a yarn".
Yarn count is also known as yarn number or linear density.                                                   

2. Objectives
  1. To know about yarn count.
  2. To know about wrap reel & analytical balance.
  3. To know how to determine the count by wrap reel & analytical balance 

3. Apparatus

  1. Yarn
  2. Wrap reel
  3. Analytical Balance

4. Description

Wrap Reel

A wrap reel or skein winder is a device for measuring yarn and making it into hanks of a standard size. The reel is of a standard size and its revolutions are counted as the yarn is wrapped around it. Typically, a set number of revolutions will be used so that the hank is of a standard size — a skein or lea. For example, a skein of cotton would be 80 turns on a reel of 54 inches circumference, making 120 yards, while the standard length for wool worsted would be 80 yards.
The lea or lay was a British unit of length.
The Oxford English Dictionary describes it as a measure "of varying quantity" and cites quotations from within various areas of the textile industry which define it as "80 yards". Each lay contains 200 yards. It had a fixed value of 360 feet.                                                  
The tension of the yarn as it was wound onto the reel was important because it would be elastic and so a standard tension was required to ensure uniformity. For a given reel, this would be determined by the friction of the setup and so the test hanks would be made and measured in other ways to calibrate the device.                                                                                   

Fig: Wrap Reel

Wrap reel are two types on the basis of driving method:

<![if !supportLists]>1.      <![endif]>Hand Drive
<![if !supportLists]>2.      <![endif]>Power Drive

Analytical Balance

An analytical balance is a class of balance designed to measure small mass in the sub-milligram range. The measuring pan of an analytical balance is inside a transparent enclosure with doors so that dust does not collect and so any air currents in the room do not affect the balance's operation. This enclosure is often called a draft shield. The use of a mechanically vented balance safety enclosure, which has uniquely designed acrylic airfoils, allows a smooth turbulence-free airflow that prevents balance fluctuation and the measure of mass down to 1 μg without fluctuations or loss of product. Also, the sample must be at room temperature to prevent natural convection from forming air currents inside the enclosure from causing an error in reading. Single pan mechanical substitution balance maintains consistent response throughout the useful capacity is achieved by maintaining a constant load on the balance beam, thus the fulcrum, by subtracting mass on the same side of the beam to which the sample is added.
                                                            Fig: Analytical Balance

Electronic analytical scales measure the force needed to counter the mass being measured rather than using actual masses. As such they must have calibration adjustments made to compensate for gravitational differences. They use an electromagnet to generate a force to counter the sample being measured and outputs the result by measuring the force needed to achieve balance. Such measurement device is called electromagnetic force restoration sensor.                               

5. Working Procedure
  • Make lea by Wrap reel.
  • Weight the lee by analytic balance.
  • Convert the weight gram to pound.
  • Then the data are put in the count equation
  • Then calculated the count by the equation.
  • Finally average count are calculated which is cotton count of this sample

6. Experimental Data
Serial No
Length of Yarn
Measured Weight
Calculated Count
120 yd
0.0036 lb

7. Calculation

                           Length in yard × Weight Unit 
Cotton Count =    ...................................................... 
                           840 Yard × Weight in pound 
    120 ×1 
= ......................
   840× 0.0036
= 39.68
8. Result
The cotton count is 39.68

Study on universal testing machine

Introduction:  A universal testing machine (UTM), also known as a universal tester, materials testing machine or materials test frame, is used to test the tensile strength and compressive strength of materials. An earlier name for a tensile testing machine is a tensometer. The "universal" part of the name reflects that it can perform many standard tensile and compression tests on materials, components, and structures.
  1. To test the mechanical properties.
  2. To conduct axial load testing.
  3. To know about the UTM
  4. To determine strength of textile materials.
Description:  The main purpose of textile testing is to determine the strength of fiber/ fabrics. Before doing the tensile test by UTM some terms need to acquianted.
Load: The application of a load to a specimen in its axial direction causes a tension to be developed in the specimen. The loads are usually expressed in grams weight or pounds weight.
Breaking Load: This is the load at which the specimen breaks. Usually expressed in grams weight or pound weight.
Stress: This is the ratio between the force applied and the cross section of specimen.
                                    Stress =  Force applied / cross sectional area
Tenecity or specific strength: The tenecity of a specimen is mass the stress at break.
Breaking length: the maximum length of a fabric  (assuming a fixed cross-section) that could suspend its own weight when supported only at the top.
Breaking extension: The breaking extension is the extension of the specimen at the breaking point. 
Work of Rupture: This is the measure of the toughness of the material. It is the energy of work required to break the specimen.

UTM : A universal testing machine is used to test the tensile stress and compressive strength of materials. It is named after the fact that it can perform many standard tensile and compression tests on materials, components, and structures.
It consists of two main parts, called:
  1. Loading Unit
  2. Control Unit

Loading unit
In this unit actual loading of the specimen takes place - consists of three cross heads namely upper head, middle head and lower head. Using appropriate cross heads tensile, compressive, shear, bending load with the help of different attachment can be applied. Loading unit of a UTM consists of:
  1. Upper cross head - To clamp testing specimen from top
  2. Lower cross head - To clamp testing specimen from below
  3. Table - to place the specimen, used for compression test.

Control Unit

The load is applied and recorded by this unit. The load is applied with control valve and released by release valve. The load is applied with the help of hydraulic pressure.

Fig: Universal Testing Machine
Working Procedure:

  1. The specimen is placed in the machine between the two clamp jaws.
  2. Then we started the machine for applying tension.
  3. The fabric was in tension and at 841 N the specimen broke.
  4. The graph from the machine provided us further results.
Test No
Force Peak (N)
Elong. Peak (mm)
Elong. Break (mm)
Strain Peak (%)
Strain Break (%)

           In this experiment, we learnt about the universal testing machine and the tensile properties of fabric. We can use this method in lab for testing the strength of  textile product. As we know for better quality of products we need to maintain strength in industrial production. That’s why we think this experiment will help us to achieve our goal in the long run.